

Quality Engineer-Warranty 质量工程师-售后 (职位编号:170000FC)

薪酬: 面议 均可
上海 经验不限
大专 2022-04-19



提示: 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司及关联公司通常会在电话沟通并经候选人确认后以康明斯公司的邮箱发出正式书面雇佣通知。在候选人入职之前不会安排任何形式的培训或活动。如果您收到邀请您在入职前参加各种活动并在活动后才能决定是否被聘用的通知, 请提高警惕。 如有需要, 可联系我们:china.intern@cummins.comApplies the principles of product quality planning, evaluation, and control in support of the manufacturing and installation operations of the organization. Responsible for applicable systems related to plant customer issues such as corrective action requests, supplier corrective action requests, nonconforming material reports, etc. Leads containment activities. Facilitates continuous improvement quality activities to reduce the potential for defects, and ensures continual improvement in process and product design. Ensures products and process development meet quality standards. Identifies problems, prioritizes actions, leads or participates in Six Sigma projects. Participates in change management activities by verifying products and processes, developing key measures, and analyzing data for decision support. Conducts audits of processes and quality systems. Works with purchasing to improve the quality of purchased parts. Serve as a quality technical resource to other functional areas.Skills Communication - Written And Verbal -Effectively expresses messages and ideas in a clear, organized and relevant manner for a variety of audiences. Develops organized, complete, and convincing communications. Conveys thoughts and ideas regarding a topic concisely and clearly. Ability to communicate without increasing either the employee\'s or employer liability. Ability to communicate effectively to different levels of the organization. Communicates information at a level appropriate for the intended audience. Effectively presents messages to individuals and/or small and large groups. Ability to communicate appropriately for various time zones, differing cultures, and differing languages. Uses appropriate style, grammar, and tone in informal and/or formal business messages. Reviews and edits written work constructively. Uses visual aids that are effective and appropriate for communication medium. Delivers messages with the desired effect. Prepares necessary support materials for meetings which may include agendas and/or pre-read documents. Uses appropriate tone and body language to deliver messages. Separates personal biases from fact. Expresses messages in a positive manner, focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. Ability to use appropriate communication tools as needed (WebEx, Same Time, video conferencing, teleconferencing, Visio, MS Project, etc.)Problem Solving And Quality Improvement - Problem Solving and Improvement approaches, including understanding of tools/process type and selection, plus Corrective and Preventive Action processes. Product Or Service Familiarization -Understanding of the product line or services of the specific business of which the person is a part (i.e., plant, performance cell, etc). Quality System Development, Implementation And Verification - Identify and integrate common elements such as design and process control, management responsibility, document control etc. Quality auditing planning, preparation and execution.Vpi (Value Package Introduction) -Understanding of the Cummins VPI process, its phases, cross functional activities and responsibilities. Education, Licenses, Certifications College, university, or equivalent degree required. Experience Intermediate level of relevant work experience required
